Corien Boers relatietherapeut

Terms and Conditions
Praktijk Corien Boers / LerenLiefhebben
General terms and conditions 2023/1
The general terms and conditions of practice Corien Boers, are no exception to common general terms and conditions and are therefore formulated in a fairly one-sided and black-and-white manner. In the event of a complaint or conflict, Corien Boers assumes that everyone accepts his or her own responsibility and acts from the point of view of respecting the sustainability of the relationships.
Start of the conversations
The first appointment is always an intake interview, which lasts 30 minutes. The actual treatment will not start in this conversation. This conversation includes an introduction, an analysis of the experienced problems and an inventory of both parties whether the treatment will be started. The cost of this conversation is € 50,-.
Handle agreement
1. If all parties involved, agree to enter into the treatment, a treatment
agreement will be concluded with the client.
2. This treatment agreement will be confirmed by the signature of all clients
3. In this treatment agreement it is stated that you agree with the following
Reporting on treatment
1. Corien Boers reports per session on the content and progress of the therapy.
This report is carefully kept by Corien Boers and is not available for
inspection by third parties.
2. Clients have the right to inspect the file, in accordance with the WGBO
(Medical Treatment Agreement Act).
3. Corien Boers does not report to third parties under any circumstances, not
during and not after the treatment. Not even at the request of clients
4. The report will be written down in a notebook, which has doubly protected
5. Due to legal regulations, the report must be kept for a period of 10 years after
the conversations have
ended. Because of to the small scale of the practice, storage space and
possibilities, Corien Boers reserves the right to keep the data for a period of 7
years. Unless the client requests an extension of storage or earlier destruction.
This request will be continued through an amendment to this agreement.
6. Names will not be written down in full in this report, but will be indicated by
means of initials
Consultation with third parties
1. In order to guarantee the quality of the treatments, Corien Boers participates,
among other things, in intervision and supervision. Parts of treatments can be
discussed here. However, when describing the situation, Corien Boers will only
use first names and will under no circumstances mention last names.
Colleagues who participate in the intervision and/or supervision are, like
Corien Boers, bound by a professional code and therefore have a duty of
confidentiality, just like Corien Boers.
2. In the event of a situation that threatens the health and/or well-being of the
client and/or others, Corien Boers may choose to consult with third parties.
The client's prior written consent is requested for this, unless the health and/or
safety of the client and/or others seems to be at stake in such an acute way
that the situation necessitates consultation without this prior consent. Corien
Boers invokes her responsibility for identifying, discussing and acting
1. It is possible that Corien Boers asks clients for their permission to make an
audiovisual recording for the purpose of intervision and/or supervision with
colleagues. Due to the content, the visual material is the
property of the client, but the client gives Corien Boers permission to borrow it
for the relevant intervision and/or supervision.
2. In some cases, Corien Boers may ask clients to use (parts of) their recordings
for lectures, information or training to/from third parties. These recordings
remain the property of Corien Boers, as a therapist, and will never be loaned or
published. These recordings will not be destroyed after treatment
has ended.The recordings are not made for treatment, diagnosis or prognosis
and are not part of the clinical reporting. No copies will be made and
recordings will not be passed on to third parties. If you give permission for the
making and use of recordings for training purposes, a separate permission
form will be signed.
3. Clients have the right not to give this consent or to withdraw previously given
consent at any time. In the latter case, the recordings already made, will be
destroyed. This will not affect the treatment.
Duration of the conversations
1. Couple conversations last 75 minutes, unless a different duration has been
agreed in advance.
Cost of the treatment
The cost of a conversation is €125.00 per hour. The costs are calculated over the direct contact time. The preparation time and the time for reporting are not included and no costs will be charged for this.
Data retention
Address and invoice data are stored for a period of 7 years due to tax rules. This data is stored digitally and is secured in line with the law agreements. After 7 years, all this data will be deleted in accordance with the applicable guidelines.
Professional codes & complaints procedure
1. Corien Boers is bound by the professional codes of the Dutch Association for
Relationship and Family Therapy (NVRG). For more information on this please
see the website below; https://www.nvrg.nl/home
2. Praktijk Corien Boers is affiliated with the complaints regulations of this professional association at P3NL via the NVRG. Information about
this can be obtained from Corien Boers.
If a situation unexpectedly arises in which there is dissatisfaction with the
treatment, the invoices and/or uncertainty about the progress and/or possible
other relevant matters, you can first contact Corien Boers with the aim of
reaching a joint agreement.
If in the unfortunate case this does not work, you can contact the complaints
and disputes committee. The complaints officers of the Central Bureau for
Complaints Management in Healthcare (CBKZ) are the officers who take on this
task. The contact details of CBKZ's complaints officers are;
E-mail; klachten@cbkz.nl. Telephone: 088-0245104. (Registered) mail:
Antwoordnummer 570, 4200 WB Gorinchem.
1. Payment is made by sending an invoice by email. At the start of treatment,
clients sign agreement via the treatment agreement for the monthly transfer of
the amount owed by them.
2. Payment must be made within 30 days after sending the invoice
3. If payment is not made on time, a free payment reminder will follow for
payment within seven days. For each subsequent payment reminder, with a
payment term of five days, € 33.00 will be charged per reminder. These
amounts are cumulative.
4. Payment is made according to services rendered and not according to results.
1. No cancellation costs apply up to 48 hours before the start of the
conversation. If an appointment is canceled within 48 hours before the start of
the meeting, 100% will be charged. The above applies to
working days. Weekend and public holidays are not included. The reason for
cancellation (including force majeure) does not play a role in the cancellation
Stopping the treatment
1. Everyone involved is free to stop the treatment and follow-up conversations at
any time. If Corien Boers initiates the ending of the treatment, she will inform
the clients concerned of the reasons.